Teaching Methods for Students Flashcards


84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A recent college graduate targets a particular district for his job search because he knows a number of teachers are retiring and the student enrollment is increasing. He should
Also look at the strength of the local school budget and the local economy.
Many beginning teachers are concerned that they will lack subject matter knowledge. In reality, though, most beginning teachers have the most difficulty
Maintaining classroom discipline
One common error in searching for a teaching position is
Is a passive attitude and lack of following through
Minority teachers serve as positive role models for both minority and white students because
Minority students develop self-esteem and white students break stereotyping and racism
According to the text, the most useful attitude for beginning teachers to have toward their colleagues is
To be cautiously optimistic. Although poor teachers exist, dedicated teachers abound.
The long-term goals that undergird school reform are
To develop the democratic citizen, the good worker and the good person.
Bill is an employee of the Middleburg School District and John is associated with that district as well. At meetings, Bill frequently has to push to get new school programs approved or to hire particular personnel whereas John frequently derails Bill's proposals, looking to cut costs or to recommend his own candidate for employment. What are their jobs?
Bill is the superintendent of schools and John is the chair of the school board.
What was delegated to the states through the 10th amendment to the us constitution?
Legal responsibility for school governance
Heidi is interviewing for a teaching position. According to school management and organization, who is the formal hiring authority?
The local school board
Mildred teaches a 5th grade class in which she applies a constructivist approach to learning. A visit to her classroom would show students working on
Projects in small groups or independently, and students engaging in a lot of hands-on activities.
A student completing a project on bird identification knows that insect eating birds have narrow pointed bills. a mother notices a bird never seen before, the daughter tells the mother that the bird must be migrating. She is using...
Inductive reasoning
A progressive teacher would encourage students working cooperatively on a student initiated project were the teacher acts as...
The facilitator
John Dewey thought ideas were instruments that enables people to...
Work together to solve problems
A teacher ascribes to several different philosophies of education as a result of her eclecticism, she may experience conflict as a result of...
Choosing different elements of educational philosophies
Dame schools were schools run by a house wife who...
Would teach children basic literacy and house hold skill in her home