Electronic Health Records

Flash cards for terms and acronyms of Electronic Health Records course. 

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Application Service Provider (chapter 1)
* a vendor or a hospital health care system that hosts the EHT technology while a practice pays for or rents is use
* The EHR system may be found locally or may be accessed form a secure network or Internet connections with a remote host
Electronic Health Record (chapter 1)
* an entire health system that documents health care services and the information gathered to make decisions about health care
Health Level Seven (chapter 1)
* National standards group that defined approximately 130 different functions the EHR systems should be able to perform.
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (chapter 1)
* Federal government office introduced to lead and coordinate efforts toward a National Health Information Network.
National Health Information Network ( chapter 1)
* National system under development that will permit electronic sharing of health care data among those involved in care provision across the United States.
Regional Health Information Organization (chapter 1)
* Network of regional health care providers established for electronic sharing of patient health care data.
Health Information Exchange (chapter 1)
* National, regional, or local efforts established for electronic sharing of patient health care data among care providers.
* Subdivisions of the NHIN that may also be referred to as SNO's
Sub- Network Organizations (chapter 1)
* National, regional, or local efforts established for electronic sharing of patient health care data among care providers.
* Subdivisions of the HNIN that may also be referred to as HIE's.
Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (chapter 1)
* An independent, non-profit organization formed to establish functional, interoperability and security criteria and to certify EHR products as meeting those criteria.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (chapter 1)
* Federal government office that oversees the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
* One of the Cooperating Party organizations that participates in the recommendations regarding ICD-9-CM.
Doctor's Office Quality - Information Technology (chapter 1)
* Comprehensive CMS program administered by its contracted Quality Improvement Organizations to provide physician practices consultation and training for selection and implementation of EHR systems in return for service data.
Pay for Performance (chapter 1)
* Programs that reward practices for incorporating EHR's to yield greater efficiency and improved patient management.
* May also be referred to as P4Q.
Pay for Quality (chapter 1)
* Programs that reward practices for incorporating EHR's to yield greater efficiency and improved patient management.
* May also be referred to as P4P.
Quality Improvement Organization (chapter 1)
* An organization that contracts with the federal government to perform tasks on its behalf under the Medicare program.
* Focuses especially on quality and necessity of care issues.
* Also administers the DOQ - IT programs.