Embryology Ch. 18 Limbs.

This is designed to help students..like me study embryology. By using notecards..and memorization.. Fun in the sun..summer starts soon!! P.S. I have freshmanitis

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
  • Over how many weeks does it take for the limbs to develop?
5 weeks
What are the levels for the branchial plexus?
What are the levels for the lumbar plexus?
What occurs on day 33?
Upper limb: hand plate, forearm, arm, and shoulder are more distinguishable
Lower limb: the cranial part is more rounded then the caudal part
What occurs on day 37?
Upper limb: the carpal (joint) region is surrounded by a cressenteric rim called the digital plate.
Lower limb: the thigh, leg, and foot are distinct
The digital plate will give rise to the ________.
Fingers and toes (or digits)
What occurs on day 38?
The upper limb: finger rays are visible*Apoptosis occursThe lower limb: foot plate has formed
Day 44?
Upperlimb: The fingers are more pronounced & bend in UL where elbow is more definedLower limb: toe rays are visible
Day 47?
Upper limb --> ventral flexion has taken placeLower limb --> flexion toward midline has taken place.. toe rays are prominent
Dorsal Movements?S.AB.E.
Ventral Movements?P.A.F.
What does the lateral plate mesoderm form?
The limbs. (bones, ligaments, and tendons)
What do neural crest cells give rise to?
Melanocytes (pigment cells)and Schwann cells
What two embryonic tissues are in the limb buds?
Mesodermal (core) ectoderm (outer layer)
What do somites give rise to?
Skin, bone, and muscle