Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood

Chapter 7 

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Eriksons theory of psychosocial development
8 stages each with a crisis that you have to overcome, a desireable trait and a nondesireable trait
Age of Trust vs mistrust
Infancy til 2 years
What does this stage depend on
The caregivers because child is completely dependent on them
How to gain trust
When needs are consistently met, the child will learn people care for him
The infant will be in good health and happy
Faith in surroundings and feel safe and secure
IA child with mistrust characteristics
Neglected or treated poorly
lack of interest in surroundings and have poor health
infantile depression lead to later depression
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
2 to 3 years
children focused on developing sense of control
toilet training plays a major role
Toddler with autonomy
Explore surroundings
look for new stimulating things
explore by themselves
sense of self control and adequacy
Toddler with shame and doubt
Opposite, withdrawn, lack of confidence wont leave moms side
feelings of shame and doubt
Emotional development:
Basic emotions
Happiness, interest, surprise fear sadness and disgust
universal in humans
How emotions develop
First attraction to pleasant things and withdrawal to unpleasant things
then emotions become well organzied
a supportive caregiver with good communication helps
How do babies understand and respond to emotions of others
Babies can match the tone of others early on in face to face
by 3 to 4 mos babies become more sensitive to timing
by 4 to 5 mos babies can distinguish positive from negative tones and facial expressions
by toddlerhood - use emotional signals to guide actions
social referencing
Social referencing
When infants seek emotional info from safe person in uncertain situation
Emotional self-regulation
and how this develops
Strategies used to adjust emotional states to a comfortable level
babies depend on caregivers to soothe
4 to 6 mos babies can self soothe
end of second year - with language skills and mental representation toddlers are better at self regulation
Temperment What is it
Differences in reactivity and self regulation
Structure of temperment
Easy child- quick to establish regular routines, happy, adapts easily to new experiences
Difficult child- no regular routines, slow to accept change, react negatively and intensely
Slow to warm up child- inactive, mild lowkey reactions, adjust slowly to new experiences