EMT: Caring for Pediatric Patients (Terms)

Terms that would help in understanding how to care for paediatric patients. Also conditions that the patient may be going through

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A harsh high pitched sound that can occur during inhalation or exhalation. Indicative of partial upper airway obstruction
Muscles pulling in between the ribs and above the sternum with inspiration
Nasal Flaring
The extended opening of nostrils
High-pitched sounds created by air moving through narrowed air passages in the lungs
Central Perfusion
The supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from central circulation. May be assessed by palpating brachial and femoral pulses
Peripheral Pulses
Pulses in the distal circulation such as the radial and pedal pulse
Capillary Refill Time
How long it takes for the normal pink color to return after pressing on the fingernail and releasing it. Normally takes no more than 2 seconds
Become unable to compensate for low blood volume or lack of perfusion
Respiratory Distress
An abnormal physiological processthat prevents adequate gas ex
Makes up for a deficiency; maintains perfusion while developing shock
Respiratory Failure
The inability of respirations to maintain adequate oxygenation and ventilation
Respiratory Arrest
The absence of breathing
A blue or gray color resulting from lack of oxygen in the body
Extreme or abnormal extension or increase in the angle between bones of a joint; tilting the head backward
Decrease in the angle between the bones forming a joint; tilting the head forward