Energy Expenditure


21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Calorie is
Amount of potential energy a food contains
Kilocalore is
Amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water one degree Celsius
A kilocalorie is
4.184 joules
Joule is
International measure of heat and energy
Gram of carbohydrates yields _____ calories
A gram of protein yields _______calorie
A gram of fat yields _____-calories
Basal metabolic rate
Rate of energy expenditure for an individual at basal conditions
Tests that can be used to estimate a person's BMR
Thyroid function
Apparatus that is used to measure BMR measures the amount of _____taken in and the amount of _____given off with the person in a resting state
Factors that influence BMR
Sexbody sizebody temperaturelevel of endocrine gland activity
When caloric intake in food equals caloric output an individual is said to be in the state of
Energy balance
______was a concept developed by medical researchers based on characteristics of people who live the longest
Desirable weight
______is used to calculate an individual's body mass index
BMI ranges as
Normal weightoverweightobesemorbidly obese