The Enlightenment

The enlightenment period. How the European's defeated the Incas.

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Joseph II
Ruler of Austria, founded schools and hospitals, abolished serfdom, nickname "Peasant Emporor, ended censorship
Frederick the Great
Nickname "First servant of the state", one of the greatest military geniuses, religious freedom, ended censorship, abolished torture, set up written laws, all people treated equally, reorganized civil service and simplified laws
Catherine the Great
Ruler of Russian empire, inherited throne from her husband, creates schools, secularizes church lands, promotes education for women, granted nobles charter of rights
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Philosiphe came from poor family, set out the Social Contract, felt society placed too many limitations on behavior, put faith into General Will, put community first, people are formed by their environment, "Men are born free, but are everywhere in chains." chains of temptation greed, oppression, said that you should love your children
Thomas Hobbes
Believed humans are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish, put out work in Leviathian, believed people entered into social contract- an agreement to give up the state of nature for good of society, believed only absolute monarchy could ensure orderly society
John Locke
People were basically moral, had certain natural rights(life,liberty,property), argued people formed governments to protect natural rights, rejected absolute monarchy, said that if a government violates people's natural rights than they have a right to overthrow the government
Social Contract
An agreement people enter into where they give up the state of nature for an organized society
General Will
The best conscience of the people
How did the Enlightenment spread?
It spread through books, salons, and word of mouth, books had very subtle meaning so they were less controversial
Informal gathering where writers and others discussed ideas on topics like philosiphy,arts,and science
Enlightened Despots
Absolute rulers who used their power to bring social and political change, monarchs who accepted enlightenment ideas became enlightened despots
Restricting access to information and ideas, gov. and church officials burned books and imprisoned writers, felt they needed to defend order set up by god
Baron de Montesquieu
Influential thinker published "The Spirit of the Laws", felt that separation of powers was the best way to protect liberty,
Group of thinkers applied methods of science to better understand and improve society
Urged a policy of laissez faire-allowing business to operate with little or no government interference, supported free trade, opposed tariffs