Environmental Science 1

Exam 1

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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1: The circumstances/conditions that surround an organism/group of organisms
2: The complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community
Environmental Science
The systematic study of our environment and our proper place in it
Ecological Footprint
Computation of demands placed on nature by individuals and nations
Utilitarian Conservation
Earth should be preserved for the greatest good, for the greatest number for the longest time
Biocentric Preservation
Emphasizes the fundamental right of other organisms to exist and to pursue their own interests
Active participation in attempts to solve environmental pollution and resource problems
Sustainable Development
The idea that economic improvement for the world's poorest populations is possible without devastating the environment
Global Environmentalism
A concern for and action to help solve global environmental problems
Extreme Poverty
Living with an income of less than (US) $1 day
Sense of right and wrong
Moral Value
The value or worth of something based on moral priciples
Moral Extensionism
Extended sense of moral value to a wider and wider circle
Inherent Value
An intrinsic right to exist or instrumental value (they have value because they are useful to someone who matters)
Environmental Justice
Combines civil rights with environmental protection to demand a safe healthy life giving environment for everyone
Locally Unwanted Land Uses