Evolution Change Across Time

Evolution cha nge acro

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The purpose of creating a timeline is to physically see when certain events occured and how much time was spaced between them.
What did you learn from the timeline we created?
I learned that many of the events were close together. They also occured more recently that I had thought.
Describe what a paleontologist researches and how that provides evidence for evolution.
Paleontologists research the geology and history of the Earth. When they find fossils, it helps them understand where certain organisms lived and what traits they have. It also shows where they were located over time.
Explain what an evolutionary biologist researches and how that provides evidence for evolution.
An evolutionary biologist researches how living things function. This shows how living organisms function differently over time. They look at different forelimbs and compare the postitions they're in.
Describe what a developmental biologist researches and how that provides evidence for evolution.
Developmental biologists research how life begins and the beginning stages. the DNA and embryos tell scientists which organisms may look alike and/or what stage their developing in.
Explain what a physical anthropologist researches and how that provides evidence for evolution.
A physical anthropologist resarches the evolutionary history of humans and primates. They compare the bones of primates, which provides evidence for evolution.
Vestigial organ
-features the exsist, but serve no function -feature that was useful to an ancestor, but is no longer useful to the modern organism example: human appendix, whale leg bones
Homologous structure
-similar features that originate from a shared ancestor -look different and have different functions -skeletal structures very similar and have derived from the same embryological structures example: forelimbs of animals
Analogous structure
-features that serve similar functions and look similar -have different embryological development -very different internal anatomy example: bird wings vs. insect wings
Define half-life and be able to calculate half-life when given an example
The half-life is the amount of time it takes a radio active element to decay into half of what it was. ___+ 5734 carbon
What particular trait classifies hominids?
-constantly bipedal and walk upright. -larger brain grasping thumb
What was the genus and species name of lucy
Species: australopithecus genus: afarensis
Which hominid was our closest relative?
Define natural selection and who proposed this theory?
Natural selection is when an adaptation starts to arise in a population and is best suited for an organism's survival in its environment. The population passes down this adaptation to generations. Over time, the population keeps growing and a new species may form.
Describe a real life example of natural selection and evolution in action.
The peppered moth lives in forests. Industrial revolution are factories that were being built, and they ran by burning coal for fuel. The result was a dark smoke that covered the surrounding countrysid. the peppered moths were light colored and were easily spotted by predators. Peppered moths became dark-colored and this helped them to survive.