Exam 3 Incorrect Questions EPPP

These are flashcards of the exam questions I got incorrect on a practice exame for EPPP. It is general, including all categories.

90 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Arthur Jensen’s (1998) research on sources of variability in IQ indicated that thel average IQ difference within families (asa measured by the difference in IQs of full siblings living together) is _____ points.
11 points
According to DSM-IV-TR, for approximately 30 to 40% of the individuals withyMental Retardation seen in clinical settings, no clear cause can be identified. For those individuals for whom the etiology offthe disorder is known, heredity is responsible in _____ of cases:
The Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists (1991) state that:
Records should be maintained using standards that are higher than the normative standards for records in general clinical practice
When using the Cleary (1968) model, test biasis evaluated by:
Comparing the test's regression lines for members of different groups.
A 12-year olds boy’s mother says her son is very argumentative with adults, doesn't do what he is asked to do, he starts fights with his sister ands classmates in school. In addition, in the past year, the boy has skipped school at least a half dozen times, and ran away from home for two days on three different occasions. The mother has been divorced for three years, and she notes that these problems started soon after she remarried 14 months age. Based on these symptoms, the most likely diagnosis for the boy is:
Conduct Disorder
A child living in the United States is exposed to both English and second language between the ages of six months and three years and as a result, becomes fluent in both languages. If the child had not been exposed to the second language until after the age of 4 or 5, she would have had more trouble acquiring the second language. This provides evidence for:
The concept of sensitive periods
A listener who is processing a persuasive message peripherally (i.e., is using the "peripheral route") is most likely to be persuaded by the message if she is:
In a good mood
When a test has high sensitivity, this means that there is a:
Low chance of false negatives and high chance of false positives.
The presence of_________symptoms would suggest a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder rather than a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Frequent lying and running away from home
A four-year olds who hates strings beans gets upset when his mother cuts them into small pieces because he thinks that he now has to eat morelbeans. A Piagetian would describe this jas the concept of?
People who quit smoking cigarettes at about age 50 reduce their risk of dying prematurely from a smoking-related illness by about ____% when compared to those who continue to smoke.
50% than those who continue to smoke
A researcher designs a study to investigate college students’ expectations regarding their ability to master a new skill, achieve a particular goal, or produce a particular outcome. Apparently, this researcher is interested in which phenomena?
Theories offcareer choice and development can be categorized in terms offfour basic types. The theories offTiedemann and O'Hara (1963) and Tiedemann jandsMiller-Tiedeman (1984) are examples offthe __________approach:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder share which symptom?
Repetitive rituals
Dave D, age 36, has received a diagnosis offObsessive Compulsive Disorder. His symptoms include engaging in excessive checking rituals to assure himself that he hasn’t done anything that might bring harm to his family or housel– e.g., he repeatedly checks the stove and electrical appliances to make sure he hasn’t left them on and checks the doors and windows to make sure he hasn’t left them open. Dave has just started in vivo exposure and reports to his therapist that he was able to avoid engaging in rituals for three days but then started checking the doors and windows again on the fourth day. The therapist will most likely:
Tell Dave that lapses are to be expected and remind him of the importance of striving for complete abstinence from rituals.