Exam 5 Review

Exam 5 review on chapters 10 and 11

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
What is a nucleotide?
It is the units that make up DNA. Nucleotides are composed of a 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base (each nucleotide has only ONE of the four; A, C, T, G)
Question 2
What is a polymer?
A polymer is made up of many nucleotides covalently bonded together (polynucleotide). They are chains of macromolecules linked via covalent bonds.
What is the backbone of DNA composed of?
Alternating phosphates and the 5-carbon sugar molecules.
Question 4
Double helix (structure of DNA)?
The form assumed by DNA in living cells, referring to its two adjacent polynucleotide strands wound into a spiral shape.
Question 5
Purines (structure of DNA)?
The double ring structure called Adenine and Guanine
Question 6
Pyrimidines (structure of DNA)?
The single ring structure called Thymine and Cytosine
Question 7
Hydrogen bonds (the structure of DNA)?
A type of weak chemical bone formed when a partially positive hydrogen atom from one polar molecule is attracted to the partially negative atom in another molecule. The bases are joined together by hydrogen bonds and always bonds via complimentary base pairing.
Question 8
Nitrogen bases (structure of DNA)?
Adenosine (A), Cysosine (C), Thymine (T), and Guanine (G)
Question 9
Complimentary base pairing (structure of DNA)?
Adenosine - ThymineGuanine - Cytosine
This is ALWAYS how the nitrogenous bases will pair (adenosine WILL NEVER pair with guanine or cytosine and Cytosine WILL NEVER pair with adenosine or thymine).
Question 10
Differences between DNA and RNA?
There are two differences between DNA and RNA. Each RNA nucleotide contains a ribose sugar (instead of a deoxyribose in DNA), a phosphate, and one of the four nitrogenous bases. The difference between the nitrogenous bases of DNA and that of RNA is that thymine (T) in DNA is translated into Uracil (U) in RNA.
Who discovered the structure of DNA?
Watson and Crick.
Question 12
What enzyme constructs new DNA?
DNA polymerase.
What enzyme constructs the RNA during transcription?
RNA polymerase.
Question 14
What is transcription, what molecules are involved, and where does it take place?
It is the making of mRNA from DNA, the molecules involved are DNA and mRNA, and it occurs in the nucleus.
What is translation, what molecules are involved, and where does it take place?
It is the turning of mRNA into an amino acid sequence. It involves mRNA, rRNA (ribosomes), and tRNA. It occurs in the cytoplasm.