Exam 8 Eppp


73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Describe vygotskys theory of cognitive development
Contextual approach where cognitive can develop depends on interactions, culture, societal factors
What are the execptions to informed consent in assessments?
1- test mandated by law/government 2- implied b/c it is routine 3-evaluating competence
What affect does depression have on sleep
Decreased rem latency/earlier onset of rem increased rem density/increased rapid eye move.
Describe procedural justice, interactional, distributive
Procedural: process used to make the decision interactional: how employee treated distributive: fairness of outcomes or decisions
Hawaiian ho'oponopono is?
Family intervention, restore healing oldest family member has ceremony, resovles issues
Parental stereotypes on math have what affect on boys and girls?
Stereotypes of both parents impact boys and girls
Suspected of cheating on eppp what happens?
Given chance to provide evidence given some process before any action is taken against
Eat coefficient is:
When relationship between two continuous variables is non linear
Spearman rho used when:
Both variables are ranks
Theory of work adjustment states:
Person/environment fit theory need environment to fit job "satisfaction" refers to satisfaction with job
Name the ranges for the beck depression inv. mild moderate severe
21 items, scores 0-3 mild 14-19 moderate: 20-28 severe: 29-63
Compare older adults to younger adults with regard to chronic pain
Younger adults report more pain intensity and more symptoms of depression
Describe schein's organizational culture
Provides stability and meaning. can reduce anxiety or impede change org culture exists on 3 levels observable artifacts espoused values/beliefs underlying assumptions
Name two techniques used to treat premature ejaculation
Squeeze technique woman superior position
Describe lazarus's cognitive appraisal theory
Emotions related to appraisal of situation. 3 types primary: good or bad secondary: do ihave resources to cope w/stress reappraisal: monitor and change primary or secondary if needed