The Eye Parts and Definitions

Parts of the eye and

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Question 1
Inferior Rectus
Action- Eye looks down Innervation- Ocumotor nerve (III)
Question 2
Medial Rectus
Action- Eye looks medially Innervation- Ocumotor nerve (III)
Question 3
Superior Rectus
Action- Eye looks up Innervation- Ocumotor nerve (III)
Question 4
Lateral Rectus
Action- Eye looks laterally Innervation- Abducens nerve (VI)
Question 5
Inferior oblique
Action- Eye rolls looks up and laterally Innervation- Oculomotor nerve (III)
Question 6
Superior Oblique
Action- Eye rolls, looks down and laterally Innervation- Trochlear Nerve (IV)
Question 7
The eyelid- Continuation of the skin. Their continual blinking keeps the surface of the eye lubricated, remove dust and debris
Question 8
Lacrimal Caruncle
Mass of soft tissue contains glands that produce thick secretions that contribute to the gritty deposits that sometimes appear after a good nights sleep
The epithelium covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye. It is a mumucous membrane covered by stratified squamous epithelium
Palpebral conjunctiva
Covers the inner surface of the eyelids
Ocular conjunctiva
Cover the anterior surface of the eye
The transparent part of the outer fibrous layer of the eye. Allows light into the eye and refracts it. it is about 5-6 layers of avascular cells
Lacrimal Apparatus
produces, distributes and removes tears. Consists of a lacrimal glad with ducts, paired lacrimal canaliculi, a lacrimal sac and a nasolacrimal duct
The pocket created where the palpebral conjunctiva becomes continuous with the ocular conjunctiva
Lacrimal Gland
A gland about the size and shape of an almond nestels within a depression of the frontal bone just inside the orbit and superior and lateral to the eyeball. it provides key ingredients and most of the volume of the tears that bathe the conjunctival surfaces