F & E Test Study Guide for Nursing 112

Fluid and ele ctrolyte

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is an electrolyte?
A substance that breaks apart into ions or electrically charged partciles when placed in h20
TBW in man? woman? newborn?
Man=50-60% woman=45-50% newborn=70-80%
Who has more h20? young vs old skinny vs fat
Young and the skinny
ICF where? and function?
Within the cells and its essential for cell fuction and metabolism=cellular medium
ECF where? and function?
Outside cell its the transportation system bringing h20 nutrients and electrolytes in cell and taking waste out
ECF has 3 compartments what are they? and their function?
Interstitial fluid lies bw cells, necessary for cellular metabolism plasma (intravascular) maintains vascular volume transcellular specialized fluid
How much fluid does the avg person take in and put out daily?
2500ml in and 1500ml output due to BM, sweat..etc
+ charged ion?
- charged ion
4 major cations?
Na, K, Ca, Mg
4 major anions?
Cl, HCo3 (bicarbonate) HPO4 (phosphate) SO4 (sulfate)
Major cation & anion in ECF?
Na and Cl
Major cation and anion in ICF?
K and HPO4 (phosphate)=PP
Glucose urea dextrose alcohol creatinine are all organic compounds made up of carbons these are EX of?
Functions of electrolytes?
Allows movement and reflexes alows movement of h20 in & out of cell regulates H+ ions allows fluid into interstitial spaces