What Are Various Farrier Tools Flashcards

Farrier tools and que

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is a rasp?
A sharp heavy file used to rasp and smooth feet and clinches
What is a clinch cutter or buffer?
Used to raise and cut the clinches when removing the shoe
What is a pritchel?
A metal spike that is used to hold a hot shoe
What is a clincher?
A special tool that bends and flattens the clinches into the hoof wall
What is a farriers hammer?
Specially shaped hammer for driving in nails
What art the five steps in shoeing?
Preperation, forging, fitting, nailing on, and finishing
What are some important resons for shoeing?
To protect the hoovs, traction, improving gate, and soundness
How often should your horse see a farrier?
At least every six weeks or sooner