FDNS Lesson 3

FNDS Midterm

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which of the following hormones plays a specific role in human milk production?
Which of the following hormones plays a specific role in human milk let down?
Which hormone acts on the uterus, causing it to contract, seal blood vessels, and shrink in size?
The first milk, colostrum, contains many compounds for:
Immune protection
In general, infants who are breastfed consume ___ calories than those fed human milk substitutes.
Lipids (fats) provide about ___ of the energy (calories) of human milk.
Which of the following breast milk components varies with the mother's diet?
[X] d. fatty acid profile
The dominant carbohydrate in human milk is:
Early consumption of ___ through breast milk appears to be related to lower ___ later in life.
[X] b. cholesterol...blood cholesterol
The presence of ___ in breast milk is associated with developmental advantages (e.g., higher IQ scores) in breastfed infants.
[X] c. docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
The lower ___ content of breast milk is easier for the kidneys to handle and is considered a significant benefit of human milk.
Low __ levels have been found in the milk of women who follow vegan diets.
Vitamin B12
Of the water soluble vitamins, ___ is the most likely to be deficient in human milk, as it reflects maternal intake.
Vitamin B6
Many of the minerals in human milk are highly available for absorption. T/F
After the birth, the return of fertility (through monthly ovulation) is ___ in most women during breastfeeding, particularly with exclusive breastfeeding.