First Midterm: BYU ARTHC 202

Terms and works to know for ARTHC 202 at BYU-Provo, first midterm, winter semester 2011 with Char Poulton.

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Revival of classic antiquityemphasis on dignity of humankind--physical and intellectualInterest in civic virtue/duty--celebrate historic figures who make contributionsfocus on the individual
An association of craftsmen in a particular trade; like a union of workers that creates and maintains standards of work
Manuscript illumination
Text supplemented by additions of decoration; decoration of capital letters, borders, miniature illustrations
Stance of a figure with weight mostly on one leg
Use of light and shade to make a painting look 3D
Pico della Mirandola
Wrote "The Dignity of Man"Italian Philosopher 1463-1494
An object appears compressed when distorted by perspective
Refers to the style of Greek and Roman Classical artfocus on natural and perfect proportions of figures, drapery of clothing, details of human body
Disguised symbolism
A move away from the blatant symbolism of Christian art; attempted to portray secular scenes while still keeping elements os the spiritual through hidden signs and symbols
Dukes of Burgundy
The guys in charge of western Europe. Also known as the duchy of Burgundy. They were pretty good guys and they commissioned some art, so we see them in those pieces
Influential family of Florencequietly controlled politics and art of the Renaissance
Technique of printing imagesEngravings usually done on metal plates, grooves held the ink to make an imprint.Woodcuts like wood stamps, using negative space as white space rather than inked space
Philosophy that combines the earthly with the ideal; the idea that God knows what the ideal of any object is, just as we have an intuition for it
Art geared towards specific people, about certain subjects, and/or with a particular style
Imitatio Christi
"The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis; a spiritual Catholic bookfocus so much on Christ that you imitate Himimitation of posture, pain of Christ in paintings