Fit Well Ch6

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Have high aerobic capacity but low power and are recruited primarily for endurance type activities such as jogging
Slow twitch muscle fibers
Are able to contract more quickly and genrate more force but fatigue relatively quickly
Fast twitch muscle fibers
The contracting muscle that initiates movement
The opposing muscle
When muscles are not used they grow weaker and stiffen or shrink in size what is the shrinking called
When muscles are stimulated by an increased workload they grow stronger and muscle fibers experience
Exercise in which the muscle contracts but does not change length and little or no movement occurs
Exercie in which the muscle contracts and shortens and movement occurs
Dynamic (isotonic) exercise
A muscle shortens as it overcomes resistance
Concentric contraction
Occurs when a muscle lengthens and contracts at the same time, gradually allowing a force to overcome the muscle
Eccentric contraction
A constant resistance is used throughout the range of motion
Constant resistence exercise
The force needed to move the weight is changed to provide a maximum load throughout the range of motion
Variable resistance exercise
The speed of movement is controlled, a type of dynamic exercise is..
The most important principal of resistane training
Progressive overload
To stimulate muscle to overloaded or forced to work at a higher than normal effort
Progressive overload