Flash Cards for Chapter 8 Development

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The process involving the following stages (cleavage, differentiation, morphogenesis and growth) that a single fertilized egg undergoes to become a complex human being is called _______
Opening between the left and right atria which exists during fetal life
Foramen Ovale
During the formation of an embryo this stage is marked by a solid ball of cells with a hollow cavity inside
First stage of embryonic development
Cell Division
During this time of development, males and females are indistinguishable
1st month
This process refers to the shaping of the embryo and involves cell migration
Male/female gender of the fetus can be accurately determined as soon as what month?
By the end of this month, all major organs have appeared in the fetus
This hormone maintains the endometrial lining during early pregnancy and also maintains the corpus luteum till placenta develops.
Name given to the thin, yellow, milky protein rich fluid secreted during the first few days following birth.
This hormone is produced by the placenta and is the basis for pregnancy tests.
This extra embryonic membrane providses a fluid environment for the developing embryo.
This hormone directly stimulates lactation and the contraction of the uterine smooth muscles. A synthetic version can also be administered to begin the process of childbirth.
The earliest embryonic stage
The process of giving birth to an offspring is called