14. Political Executives and Leadership - Heywood, 5th Edition

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 241

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Parliamentary executive
An executive, typically composed of a prime minister and cabinet, that is drawn from, and accountable to, the parliament, and is formed through parliamentary elections.
Presidential executive
An executive that is headed by a separately elected president, who enjoys political and constitutional independence from the parliament.
A group of senior ministers that meets formally and regularly, and is chaired by the chief executive; cabinets may make policy or be consultative.
Personalized leadership that is disengaged from parties or other government bodies, in the manner of an executive president.
Semi-presidential system
A system of government in which a separately elected president presides over a government drawn from, and accountable to, the assembly.
The practice of making appointments to office, or, more widely, the granting of favours.
Imperial presidency
A presidency that has broken free from its constitutional bounds and threatens to dominate the other two branches of government.
A formal process for the removal of a public official in the event of personal or professional wrongdoing.
An arrangement in a semi-presidential system in which the president works with a government and assembly controlled by a rival party or parties.
The free-market/strong-state ideological stance adopted by Margaret Thatcher; the UK version of the New Right political project.
A process through which the importance of individual politicians grows over time at the expense of political groups, such as political parties.
A style of government that fuses personal leadership with conservative nationalism; for Marxists, it reflects the relative autonomy of the state.
The quality of being genuine or real.
Political correctness
Language, behaviour, or opinions that are supposedly ‘correct’ because they comply with egalitarian, non-discriminatory, anti-authoritarian, and other standards.