8. Politics, Society and Identity - Heywood, 5th Edition

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 205

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(German) Community; social ties typically found in traditional societies and characterized by natural affection and mutual respect.
(German) Association; the loose, artificial and contractual bonds typically found in urban and industrial societies.
Class consciousness
A Marxist term denoting a subjective awareness of a class’s objective situation and interests; the opposite of ‘false consciousness’.
Postindustrial society
A society based on service industries, rather than on manufacturing industries, and accompanied by a significant growth in the white-collar workforce.
The tendency for society to be made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals, operating as separate atoms.
A poorly defined and politically controversial term that refers, broadly, to people who suffer from multiple deprivation (unemployment or low pay, poor housing, inadequate education, and so on)
A global ‘network of networks’ that connects computers around the world; ‘virtual’ space in which users can access and disseminate online information.
A computer buzzword that refers to the links between one device (usually a computer) and others, affecting the speed, ease and extent of information exchanges.
Knowledge economy
An economy in which knowledge is the key source of competitiveness and productivity, especially through the application of information and communications technology.
A means of coordinating social life through loose and informal relationships between people or organizations, usually for the purpose of knowledge dissemination or exchange.
Economic individualism
The belief that individuals are entitled to autonomy in matters of economic decision-making; economic individualism is loosely linked to property rights.
A principle or sentiment based on the collective identity of a social group; bonds of comradeship, loyalty, and duty.
A weakening of values and normative rules, associated with feelings of isolation, loneliness, and meaninglessness.
Social reflexivity
The tendency of individuals and other social actors to reflect, more or less continuously, on the conditions of their own actions, implying higher levels of self-awareness, self-knowledge, and contemplation.
Ethnicity is the sentiment of loyalty towards a distinctive population, cultural group, or territorial area.