Raskin - Chapter 7

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 260

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Acute stress disorder (ASD)
DSM-5 disorder in which a person experiences PTSD-like symptoms for between three days and one month after the traumatic event.
Acute stress reaction
ICD-10 disorder in which a person experiences PTSD-like symptoms lasting between a few minutes and three days following a traumatic event; included in ICD-11 but not considered a disorder.
Adjustment disorders
DSM-5, ICD-10, and ICD-11 diagnoses used to identify emotional reactions to ongoing stressors; milder than most other disorders and often used as catch-all categories for people facing continuing life stress who don’t qualify for another mental disorder.
Memory gaps; sometimes occur in dissociation.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Responsible for regulating automatic biological functions affected by prolonged stress—such as heart rate, blood pressure, and emotional arousal.
The situation of having recently lost a significant person through death.
Bilateral stimulation
Component of EMDR that involves rhythmically exposing people to alternating stimulation on their left and right sides.
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
Specific cognitive therapy for PTSD that combines exposure therapy with a more primary focus on having clients examine and revise their cognitions about the traumatic event.
Cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy (CBCT)
15-session manualized PTSD treatment for couples and families in which cognitive therapy techniques are used to teach conflict management.
Complex PTSD
ICD-11 diagnosis for PTSD patients who have (a) difficulties managing emotions; (b) negative beliefs about themselves as worthless; and (c) trouble maintaining relationships.
Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD)
An extended single-session post-trauma intervention during which trauma victims are asked to recall the event in vivid detail shortly after it occurs; controversial because some research suggests CISD can be harmful.
Cultural adaptations
Modifying empirically supported treatments to account for cultural differences.
Psychoanalytic term that describing the process by which psychic energy is divested from an object.
Form of dissociation characterized by disconnecting from one’s self and one’s emotions; the self seems unreal or changed.
Form of dissociation characterized by disconnecting from one’s surroundings; the world seems remote, altered, or unreal.