Chapter 10 - Career Development - Carbery and Cross

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Authentic career
A career characterized by consistency between an individual’s public and private beliefs
Boundaryless career
Sequences of jobs that can cross occupational, organizational and geographic boundaries
A person’s work experiences over the course of their life
Career capital
The skills that differentiate a person’s portfolio of job, industry and networking knowledge and abilities
Career development
How a person manages their life, learning and work to achieve career goals
Being capable of getting and keeping fulfilling work
Kaleidoscope career
A career that adjusts to changes in an individual’s circumstances and motivation
Is the voluntary and informal exchange of career and psychosocial support
Off-ramp career
A non-traditional career path that recognizes that individuals, usually women, will take some time out from their careers
Portfolio career
A career that involves doing two or more different jobs for different employers
Protean career
A career defined by uniquely individual psychological success which can mean personal accomplishment, feelings of pride, achievement or family happiness
Psychological contract
The unwritten rules and expectations that exist between the employee and employer
Relational psychological contract
A situation where job security is provided in exchange for commitment and loyalty to the organization
Traditional career
A direct line of career progression where seniority and length of service are rewarded with progression from one specific job to a more senior job
Transactional psychological contract
A situation where extra money and learning and development opportunities are provided in exchange for commitment and loyalty to the organization