6. Nations and Nationalism - Heywood, 5th Edition

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 215

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Ethnic group
A group of people who share a common cultural and historical identity, typically linked to a belief in common descent.
(German) Literally, the spirit of the people; the organic identity of a people reflected in their culture and, particularly, their language.
The belief that human beings are culturally defined creatures, culture being the universal basis for personal and social identity.
Group behaviour characterized by insularity and exclusivity, typically fuelled by hostility towards rival groups.
A fear or hatred of foreigners; pathological ethnocentrism.
National self-determination
The principle that the nation is a sovereign entity; self-determination implies both national independence and democratic rule.
The theory that there is a common core to human identity shared by people everywhere.
Human rights
Rights to which people are entitled by virtue of being human; universal and fundamental rights.
Ethnic cleansing
The forcible expulsion or extermination of ‘alien’ peoples; often used as a euphemism for genocide.
Opposition to further European integration, usually not extending to the drive to withdraw from the EU (anti-Europeanism).
A mood of public enthusiasm and celebration provoked by military expansion or imperial conquest.
A style of nationalism dedicated to unifying a disparate people through either expansionism or political solidarity (‘pan’ means all or every).