Fluids, Electrolytes, Acid-Base Balance and IV Therapy

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why are the elderly and the very young more susceptible to even minor changes in fluid blance?
An infant's body is 77% water and an elderly person's body is 45% water.
_____ tissue does not contain as much water as other tissues.
Control of fluid is managed by:
The thirst mechanism. The osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense the internal environment and promote the intake of fluid when needed. Antidiuretic hormone(ADH) which controls how much fluid leaves the body in the urine. ADH causes reabsorbtion of water from the kidney tubules. Aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) which regulate the reabsorbtion of water and sodium ions from the kidneys tubules.Baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch which detect pressure changes indicating and increase or decrease in blood volume. They stimulate the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system to return the pressure to normal.
When body fluid is more concentrated...
Receptors in the hypothalamus stimulare nerve impulses that travel to the brain and are interpreted as thirst motivating the person to drink.
When blood volume decreases....
ADH is secreted by the posterior pituitary. This signals the renal tubules to reabsorb more water, therby increasing blood volume, and urine output decreases. Pain, nausea and stress can cause the release of ADH by the pituitary also.
WHen the ECF volume is low or when sodium concentration is elevated....
Aldosterone is released by the adrenal cortex. This hormone causes reabsorption of sodium from the renal tubules. The release of aldosterone is regulated by the renin angiro tesin aldoesterone system. Renin is released when there is decreased blood flow to the kidney.
Baroreceptors in the atrium of the heart detect __________ and atrial natriuretic peptide is released from the myocardium, which helps protect against it.
Fluid overload
The solution is ______ if it has the same concentration of particles, the water concentration of the ICF and the ECF is isotonic.

Vesicular rashes are associated with
Herpes zoster, contact dermatitis and the late stages of small pox
Papular rashes are associated with...
Cutaneous anthrax and Kaposi's sarcoma
A client has the following arterial blood gas values: pH 7.30, PaO2 89 mm Hg, PaCO3 50 mm Hg and HCo3 26 meq/L. What is this indicative of and why?
Respiratory acidosis, because he is acidic (norm for pH is 7.35-7.45) with above normal partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide(PaCO2) indicating respiratory acidosis. In respiratory alkalosis, the pH value is above normal and the PaCo2 is below normal. In metabolic acidosis the pH and the bicorbonate (HCO3) are below normal. In metabolic alkalosis, the pH and HcO3 are above normal.
Frontal plane, saggital plane and transverse...
The frontal plane divides the body into posterior and anterior aspects. The saggital plane divides the body into left and right planes and transverse divides the top and bottem half of the body.
In IV therapy the drop factor is...
The number of drops in one mL.
Patients with acute closed angle glaucoma should not recieve which drugs, give an example..
Anti cholenergics, such as Xanax.
The nurse is preparing Diabinese, what should she assess for first?
Allergies to sulfonamides before giving antidiabetic sulfonylurea drugs.