Forensics-Glass and Soil

Forensics test wed. glass and soil

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is glass made of
Silicon oxides (sand) and metal oxides
How is glass made
Sand and metal oxides are melted and then cooled
What is glass
Yields an amorphous solid---> molecules are arranged in a random or disordered position but are still rigidly bound. hard and brittle
Refractive index
Measure of light bending due to change of velocity when traveling from one medium to another
RI formula
Velocity of light in vacuum/ velocity of light in medium
Becke line
A bright halo of light that appears around the perimeter of a particle when it is immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index. 
Beck line seen inside
Glass has a higher RI and rays converge
Intensive property
A property that is not dependent on the size of the object glass----> density/RI
Tempered glass
Strengthened by introducing stress through rapid heating and cooling of glass surfaces
When tempered glass breaks 
Doesnt shatter. fragments are in small squares. used in side and rear windows of us cars
Laminated glass (safety)
2 sheets of ordinary glass bounded together with plastic film. used with windshields of all us cars
Auto headlights and resistant glass (pyrex)
Has boron oxide in it aka borosilicate's
Window and bottle glass
Made of soda lime sand and following metal oxides:sodium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum
Glass bends in response of 
Any force is exerted on it
Over the elasticity limit...
Glass fractures when