Franz Joseph Haydn

Flashcards for the Music History 110 class at Sacramento State University.  This is for the Haydn section of the class.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What are the dates for Haydn?
April Fool's Day 1732-1809
Where was Haydn born?
Rohrau, a small village in eastern lower Austria, near the junction of Croatia, Hungary, and Austria.
Why is Haydn's birthplace important when assessing his musical style?
He had a love of folk music because of his Croatian heritage, but some say he is Austrian.
What were the occupations of Haydn's parents?
His mother was a cook and his father was a wheel maker.
What are the chief characteristics of High Baroque music?
Contrapuntal, fast-moving bass lines, florid vocal lines, non-periodic phrase structure, "Doctrine of Affections", fast harmonic rhythm, woodwinds double strings
What are the chief characteristics of Style Galant?
NOT contrapuntal, slower-moving bass lines, vocal lines simpler, periodicity of phrases, emotional contrasts, slower harmonic rhythm, woodwinds double strings.
Who are some famous composers in the Galant style?
Stamitz, Samartini, Monn, Wagenseil, Gossec, Tartini
When did the Italian sinfonia become standardized?
What are the three parts of the Italian sinfonia and what are their characteristics?
3 parts - 1) Fast 2) Slow with reduced orchestra, mostly strings 3) Fast dance movement 3/4 or 3/8 time. All in binary form
What style in the visual ares is Galant related to?
Who were the Austrian predecessors of Haydn?
Monn and Wagenseil
Who was Haydn's first composition teacher?
Who recruited Haydn for Saint Stephen's Cathedral Choir in Vienna?
Georg Reutter
What is a Cassation?
Outdoor musical entertainment for a light party.
Who was the main composition teacher of Haydn and how did Haydn meet him?
Propora in Vienna. They lived in the same building.