Funeral Sociology


57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The change from rural to urban in character
Traditional funeral rite
Funeral rite that follows a prescribed ritual or ceremony which may be dictated either by religious belief or social custom
Must behavior that dictates the individual must abstain from certain acts
Anything to which socially created meaning is given
A division or smaller identifiable unit of a culture,connected to that culture by cimmon traits having unique traits to itself
The science of social grous the processes that tend to maintain or change these forms of organizations and the relations between groups
A group of persons forming a single community with some interests in common
The method by which social values are internalized (learned)
Social stratification
Categorization of ppl by money,prestige,and power: a ranking social status in group such as upper, middle, and lower class
Social function
An event which allows those who have something in common with each other to deal with one another in regard to that which they share
A group of person forming a single community with some interests in common
Single parent family
Membership consists of one adult wither male or female and his/her children
Specified methods of procedure
Ritual (ceremony)
An instrumental actio dealingh with death, which is also expressional.....
Rites of passage
Ceremonies centering around transition in life from one status to another