FYI For Your Improvement

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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1. Action Oriented
Enjoys working hard: is action oriented and full of energy for the things he/she sees as challenging;not fearful of acting with a minimum of planning; seizes more opportunities than others.
2. Dealing with Ambiguity
Can effectively cope and change; can shift gears comfortably; can decided and act without having the total picture; ins't upset when things are up in the air; doesn't have to finish things before moving on; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty.
5. Business Acumen
Knows how bsinesses work; knowledgeable in current and possible future policies; practices, trends technology and information affecting his/her business and organization; knows the competition; is aware of how strategies and tactics work in the workplace.
9.Command Skills
Relishes leading; takes unpopular stands if necessary; encourages direct and tough debate but isn't afraid to end it and move on; is looked to for direction in a crisis; faces adversity head on; energized by tough challenges.
11. Composure
Is cool under pressure; does not become defensive or irritated when times are tough; is considered mature; can be counted on to hold things together during tough times; can handle stress; is not knocked off balance by the expected; doesn't show frustration when resisted or blocked; is a settling influence in a crisis.
12.Conflict Management
Steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities; read situation quickly; good at focused listening; can hammer out tough agreements and settle disputes equitably; can find common ground and get cooperation with minimum noise.
13. Confronting Direct Reports
Deals with problem direct reports firmly and in a timely manner; doesn’t allow problems to fester; regularly reviews performance and holding timely discussions; can make negative decisions when all other efforts fail; deals effectively with trouble makers.
14. Creativity
Comes up with a lot of new and unique ideas; easily makes connections among previously unrelated notions; tends to be seen as original and value-added in brainstorming
15. Customer Focus
Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind;
16.Timely Decision Making
Makes decisions in a timely manner, sometimes with incomplete informaiton and under tight deadlines and pressure, able to make a quick decision.
17. Decision Quality
Makes good decisions( without considering how much time it takes) based upon a mixture of analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgement; most of his/her solutions and suggestions turn out to be correct and accurate when judged over time; sought out by others for advice and solutions.
18. Delegation
Clearly and comfortably delegates both routine and important tasks and decisions; broadly shares both responsibility and accountability; tends to trust people to perform lets direct reports and others finish their own work.
19. Developing Direct Reports and Others
Provides challenging and stretching tasks and assignments; holds frequent development discusions; is aware of each person's career goals; construcsts compelling development plans and executes them; pushes people to accept developmental moves; will take on those who need help and further development; cooperates with the developmental system in the organization; is a people builder.
20. Directing Others
Is good at establishing clear directions; sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload appropriately; lays out work in a well-planned and organized manner; maintains two-way dialogue with others and results; brings out the best in people; is a clear communicator.
22. Ethics and Values
Adheres to an appropriate ( for the setting) and effective set of core values and beliefs during both good and bad times; acts in line with those values; rewards the right values and disapproves of others practices what he/she preaches.