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What are the key Commandments?
- Thou shalt not kill (abortion, euthanasia, murder)
- Thou shalt not commit adultery (marriage)
What did Jesus teach if someone hurt you?
Turn the other cheek.
What was taught in the Parable of the good Samaritan?
Love your neighbour.
What is the Golden Rule?
Teach others as you would like to be treated.
What are the Decalogue?
The Ten Commandments
What is a pressure group?
A group formed to influence Government decisions and policies.
What are Situation ethics?
Christians should base actions on what is the most loving thing to do.
What does the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats teach us?

The parable of the Sheep and the Goats teaches us that we need to care for those in need as if they were Jesus. If we don’t we might go to hell.Should help the sick, homeless etc
Why do some Christians use situation ethics?
- Based on Jesus' views
- Jesus also broke the rules, by healing on the Sabbath
- Should be a good idea
Why do some Christians oppose situation ethics?
- God's rules in Bible
- Church is authority
-Impossible to know all details, may be doing wrong thing.
What authorities do Catholics use for moral decisions?
- Bible-Church interprets God's word
What authorities do Traditional Protestants use for moral decisions?
Bible only, as God's word.
What authorities do liberal Christians use?
What are the human rights we hold in the UK?
1998 Human Rights Act
- Right to life-Right to liberty-Fair trial- Education-Family life-Religion