GCSE RS Christianity Unit 1

These are flash cards for my religious studies GCSE exam. OMG. 

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Name five stages involved in Christian upbringing.
1. Baptism - An infant is introduced to the Church, the family of god, godparents, friends and the congregation.2. Worship - The young child is taken to church on a regular basis. Taught about Jesus. The child meets people who believe in God, which encourages development in faith. 3. School - Christian parents will often choose a church school. 4. Being part of the community - Social events such as prayer meetings, Bible study groups or youth clubs and parties. Gives a sense of belonging so that the child can express themselves and their faith and build friendships with people their age and faith. 5. Adulthood - Christian beliefs stay with them and they are part of the church. They can share problems with the people part of the church and will have people their to help them. They can bring up their children in a loving, Christian environment. "Bring a child up the way he shoud go and he will not depart from it".
What is a miracle? How may it lead to or support belief in God?
Something that happens that appears to break the laws of science and people attribute this event to God. People who have experienced a miracle are convinced that only God could have done this.
What is an answered prayer? How may it lead to or support belief in God?
An answered prayer is when the person praying believes that God has not only heard the prayer but has done as requested. This provides the person who prayed with the evidence that God exists.
What is a numinous experience? How may it lead to or support belief in God?
This is when something completely astonishes you. Words are not enough to describe the feeling and leaves you knowing that there must be something more powerful than you. E.g. a beautiful sunset or the Northern Lights.
What is conversion? How may it lead to or support belief in God?
When someone who previously did not believe in God changes and begins to believe that God exists. Conversion experiences often mean that a person is confronted with a choice - ultimately, whether to believe in God or not. The experience of a conversion is life-changing.
What is the design argument ? Who founded it?
The design argument is the idea that the universe was beautiful and complex and everything worked perfectly, so someone must have created it. The only person powerful enough to create it is God. William Paley founded the design argument.
What is the causation argument? Who founded it?
The causation argument is the belief that nothing can happen by itself and that everything that happens is caused by something else. In the same way, a very powerful being must have created the universe. The only person powerful enough is God, so therefore, God exists.Thomas Aquinas founded the causation argument.
What is Atheism?What is Agnosticism?
Atheism - Believing that God does not exist.Agnosticism - Not being sure whether God exists.
Give two atheists theories about the universe.
1. THE BIG BANG. The idea that an explosion of matter took place about 15 billion years ago and the world came to being and it continues to expand and evolve without involvement from any outside power. 2. Charles Darwin concluded that all livings things had evolved over time. Each generation had improved and evolved to survive.
What are Christians responses to scientific explanations?
When someone presents an argument against God, with reasons and evidence, Christians have to respond to it. They have to suggest that the information does not challenge their faith in God. Some Christians reject scientific explanations. Other Christians believe the Bible can be interpreted and that the message and the meaning are true, but some stories are meant to represent a greater truth. Some Christians believe that the physical form of the world can be explained without God, but the beauty within it cannot.
What are atheist and Christian responses to unanswered prayers?
What is suffering and what is natural and moral evil?
What are Christian responses to evil and suffering?
How is God represented in the media?
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