Gendered Lives Chapter 11 Flashcards

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Refers to people and groups that control which messages get through to audiences of mass media
Bechdel Test
Assesses gender bias in film by asking three simple questions: (1) does the film feature two women (2) who talk to each other (3) about something other than a man?
Fully 80% of voice-overs are by men
Reinforcing the cultural view that men are authorities and women need men to tell them what to do
Complimentary copy
One or more articles that increase the market appeal of its product
Product placement
Showing or mentioning a particular brand or product in a show, story, film, or other form of media
Contextual advertising
Embedded in digital content and tailored to specific individuals based on extensive data mining practices by web-based companies
Immersive advertising
Incorporates a product or brand into storylines in books, television programs, and films
Includes text messages, comments, rumors, embarrassing pictures, videos, and fake profiles that are meant to hurt another person and are circulated through email or social media
Third person effect
Which is the belief that media affect others more than they affect us
Agenda setting
The process by which media tell us what we should attend to.