Road Guard and Building Entrance Procedures

Ch 3.6

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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When can you place flights at ease?
When will you not salute a staff vehicle?
If it approaches the intersection while the flight is already in the intersection. (salute after flight and road guards are in safety)
How many paces away from roadway will a flight be halted? what number also applies to how far away road guards are posted in front of flight?
How many road guards to you need?
As many as lanes of traffic to stop
The procedure with verbage from the flight marching into roadway to marching with Flt/CC away from roadway is as follows:
  1. "Flight Halt" (6 paces)
  2. "Road Guards Post"
  3. flt/cc post at roadway edge, salute, "Sir/Maam, __flight requests permission to enter the roadway"
  4. look both ways, enter center of roadway, about face "Road Guards Out"
  5. Road guards stand at parade rest, arm out, flashlight down
  6. flt/cc gets out of the way, "forward harch", facing movements
  7. "Flight halt", "Road guards in" (front of flight)
  8. flt/cc joins flight
  9. "Road Guards, secure your gear and fall into the rear of the flight."
  10. proceed
Buiding Entrance Procedure as a flight with verbage is as follows
  1. "Flight Halt"
  2. "Guidon bearer, secure the guidon and post the door" (If no guidon, "guide, post the door")
  3. "Column of files from the right/left, foward....."
  4. Element leaders: "Forward/Standfast"
  5. "Harch"
  6. Element Leaders: Call cadence, salute, greeting of the day,
Building Entrance procedure as a detail is as follows
  1. "Detail Halt"
  2. "Fall Out"
The Verbage for mail orderlies when reporting to SDCS is as follows:
"Alpha/Bravo etc Flight Mail Orderly reports to pick up the mail."Get mail"Will that be all Sir/Ma'am" Other reporting procedures applies