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Xanthoproteic reaction
Yellowish discoloration of tissues in nitric acid poisoning due to formation of picric acid
Smoky green color urine which turns black on standing in carbolic acid poisoning due to formation of pyrochetachol and hydroquinone metabolites in urine
Classify poisons
CINCAM Corrosives, Irritants, Neurotoxic , Cardiotoxic, asphyxiants and miscellaneous Corrosives - Inorganic : Strong acids: sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acidStrong alkalies - sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxideOrganic : Carbolic acid, oxalic acidIrritants : Inorganic irritants and organic irritants, inorganic are metallic (arsenic lead mercury) and non metallic irritants (phosphorus, barium)Neurotoxic poisons: CNS depressants : opium, barbituarates , CNS stimulants: Cocaine, amphetamine, Deliriants: dathura,Spinal poisons : strychnine, gelsemiumPeripheral poisons: Conium curare
Define a poison
Poison is any substance which given by any route in any form will produce ill health, disease or death by its local, systemic action or both
Ideal suicidal poison and ideal homicidal poison
Ideal suicidal: Cheap, easily available colorless, odourless , tasty / tasteless, highly toxic, painless deathIdeal homicidal: cheap, easily available, colorless, odourless, highly toxic, signs and symptoms resemble natural disease, onset of disease/disorder after a delay of administration, no laboratory test can detect, no post mortem findings