Geog Lab Quiz 2- Air Masses and Weather Systems

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Mt is...
Marine tropical, moist warm air
Mp is...
Marine Polar, cold moist air
Continental Polar, Cold, dry air
Continental tropical, Dry, warm air
Warm fronts are associated with what wether pattern? and what do they look like?
Drizzle, and half circles
What are the four numbers types in a weather station diagram and where are they located?
Temp-top left, Dew point-bottom left, Barametric air pressure-top right, Pressure change-bottom right
Explain all of the characteristics of a high pressure and a low pressure system.
H: anticyclone, clockwise, diverging winds, clear skies
L:Cyclone, counterclockwise, converging winds, stormy weather
Cold fronts are associated with what weather pattern and what do they look like?
Stormy, heavy down pour, and they are triangles
What are the Koppen classification system sub categories and their letters.
A: Tropical
B: airid, semi airid (dessert)
C: Mesothermal (Humid subtropical, Mediteranean)
D:Microthermal (Humid Continental and Subarctic)
What is an occluded front and what does it look like?
When a cold front takes over a warm front. Half cirlces and triangles on one side
What is a stationary front and what does it look like?
When neither fronts take over each other. Half circles and triangles on opposite sides
L: Latitude
A:Air Masses
E: Elevation
M: Mountain Barriers
O: Ocean Currents
P:Pressure and prevailing winds
Winward and leeward side of the mountain
Before or facing the mountain (Gets much more rain), and after or behind the mountain (Gets little rain at all)
The closer the temp and dew point are,
The more humid it is
Wind is measured in...