Tell the Correct Option for the Following Geometric Terms Flashcards

This set of f lash cards was designed as a review for the first three sections of chapter one in the Prentice Hall Geometry textbook.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Reasoning based on patterns that you observe is called _______________ ______________.
Inductive Reasoning
Give a counterexample for the statement: "If an animal is a family pet, it has four legs."
A bird or a fish
The conclusion reached using inductive reasoning
How many counterexamples are needed to show that a conjecture is incorrect?
Only one
Describe the pattern used to generate the next term in the following sequence: 1458, 486, 162, 54, ....
Each term is divided by three to obtain the next term.
Illustrate and label point R.
. R
Illustrate and label line LN. Use geometry notation to rewrite "line LN".
<---------.----------------.---------> L N
Illustrate and label line segment AB. Use geometry notation to rewrite "segment AB".
A .________________.B or B.________________.A
Illustrate and label ray DQ. Use geometry notation to rewrite "ray DQ".
<----.----------------. or .-------------.-------> Q D D Q
Three or more points that lie on the same line are ______________ __________.
Collinear Points
Always, sometimes, never Intersecting lines are ______ coplanar.
Always, sometimes, never Three points are _______coplanar.
Always (Postulate 1-4)
Always, sometimes, never Three points are ______ collinear.
Always, sometimes, never A plane and a line _____ meet in a line.