Geometry Theorems

Theorems from Geometry Text Book, Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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THEOREM 1: Right angle congruency
If 2 angles are right angles, then they are congruent.
THEOREM 2: Straight angle congruency
If 2 angles are straight angles, then they are congruent.
THEOREM 3: Conditional Statements and Contrapositive Statements
If a conditional statement is true, then the contrapositive of the statement is also true.
(If p, then q == If not q, then not p).
THEOREM 4: Supplementary same angles congruency
If angles are supplementary to the same angle, then they are congruent.
THEOREM 5: Supplementary/congruent angles congruency
If angles are supplementary to congruent angles, then they are congruent.
THEOREM 6: Complementary/same angle congruency
If angles are complementary to the same angle, then they are congruent. p. 77
THEOREM 7: Complementary/congruent angles congruency
If angles are complementary to congruent angles, then they are congruent.
THEOREM 8: Addition Property -- segment/2 congruent segments
If a segment is added to 2 congruent segments, the sums are congruent. p. 82
THEOREM 9: Addition Property -- angle/2 congruent angles
If an angle is added to 2 congruent angles, the sums are congruent. p. 83
THEOREM 10: Addition Property--congruent segments
If congruent segments are added to congruent segments, the sums are congruent. P. 83
THEOREM 11: Addition Property -- congruent angles/congruent angles
If congruent angles are added to congruent angles, the sums are congruent. P. 83
THEOREM 12: Subtraction Property
If a segment (or angle) is subtracted from congruent segments (or angles), the differences are congruent. p.84
THEOREM 13: Subtraction Property
If congruent segments (or angles) are subtracted from congruent segments (or angles), the differences are congruent. p. 84
THEOREM 14: Multiplication Property
If segments (or angles) are congruent, their like multiples are congruent. p. 89
THEOREM 15: Division Property
If segments (or angles) are congruent, their like divisions are congruent. p. 90