Gilded Age: 1870- 1900

State test vo cabulary

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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"Gilded Age"
Period when corruption existed in society but was over shadowed by the wealth of the period ("gilded" is when something is golden/beautiful on the surface but is really cheap/worthless underneath.)
Inventors/ inventions.
Edison/ lightbulb, Alex Graham Bell/ telephone, Eastman / camera, Ford/ assembly line, Morse/ telegraph, Wirght/ airplane.
Department stores and mail order catalogs.
1st stores were Macy's, Marshall Field's, and Wanamaker's; 1st catalogs were sears and roebuck and montgomery ward's.
Mass production.
When things are produced by machine in large quantities instead of by hand.
Industrial Leaders
Vanderbilt (RR), Carnegie (steel), Rockefeller (oil), and Morgan (steel).
Vertical and horizontal integration.
vertical - when a monopoly exist b/c it owns/ controls every step in producing a product Horizontal - when a monopoly exist b/c they have bought out all the competition.
Captains of Industry
Positive idea that industrial leaders worked hardand deserved their wealth.
Robber Barons
Negative idea that industrial leaders stole from their workers by giving them low wages and were greedy.
Social darwinism
"survivial of the fittest" in society; the strong will survive b/c they work hard and the weak will be weeded out.
Gospel of Wealth
Beleif that the wealthy were "chosen by god" to be successful and were therefore responcible to look out for the well-being of those less fortunate; many shared their wealth through charities. (carnegie)
Laissez Faire
Idea that government should not regulate business in any way; this is the basic idea behind capitolism.
Sherman anti-trust act
Passed to break up monopolies; was not enforced until Teddy Roosevelt was pres.
Interstate Commerce Act
Passed to regulate trade b/t states; it regulated RR rates
Push/ pull factors
Push factors push someone out of their county and pull factors are things that attract people to their country.
Fear of foreigners