Gilded Age


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Gilded age caused by...
Civil war ripping nation apart disrupts ways of lifeIRMoral attitude change (Work hard vs. get rich quick)
Avoid dealing with issuesWant do little governmentSocial problems not gov. problemEconomy = strictly laissez faire.
Political parties
Republicans wish to regulate moral life, E and N mid class.Democrats oppose gov efforts to regulate morals. S whites, wking class, imms.Both are loyal, stable, wit high voter turnout and depend of party machine.
Appeal to emotions.Bands, flags, buttons, picnics, beerHigh turnoutAttract votersEmphasis on party, not issue.
National and local issues
Nat. - Civil service reform, tariffs, currency reformLocal - women's rights, temperance, educaton, religion.
Civil Service Reform
Merit jobs vs patronage jobs.Garfield's assasination = cry for reformPendleton Act - creats Civil Service Commission, merit jobs based on tests, and prohibits political contributions by gvt workers.All money now from rich.
After Cw, Specie resumption act, Greenback party, Panic of 1873Hard $ - backed by gold = no inflation. Supported by big business, wealthy, banks, investors. Gold could gain value.
Soft $ - workers, farmers, borrowers. More money to loan, more products could be bought.
Demands for soft money
Silver found in NevadaBland-Allison Act - Silver coined at 16 to 1People want unlimited silver.
Gov needs money.Republicans = high tariff to protect US business.Dems = low tariff for low consumer prices.Also, other countries will put high tariffs, especially on farm goods.
Increase of Roman Catholic immigrantsProtestant Dwight Moody spreads christianity in cities.Salvation Army = social gospelChristian Science = Mary Baker Eddy
Women's movement
Seneca Falls, NYFirst focuses on rights and vote, but distracted by abolition and temperance.West grants pioneer women suffrage.Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony make suffrage ONLY issue with NAWSA.
Later: Alice Paul, Cary Chapman Catt
Excess drinking = violence, povertyWoman's Christian Temperance Union makes it become prohibitionLead by Frances Willard.
Carrie A Nation smashes barrels of beer.
Public schools - compulsory K-8.High schools have growing support, tax supported.Parochial schools - immigrant inspired by neighborhood, taught in native language.More colleges with Morrill Act, philanthropists donationg money, new women schools.
Grange Movement
Farmer organizationsWant info on scientific techniques, community among farmers, finances with shared warehouses, stores.Want to end RR monopolies and put under gov control.
Farmer's Alliances
Goals of Grange Movement and form Populist Party