Grade 11 Chemistry

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32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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What did Mendeleev contribute?
Founder of the periodic table,, who organized by the atomic mass
Who noticed there was a positive nucleus and negative particles around it
Who bombarded elements with electrons, and what did he find
Mosley, protons
How is the periodic table arranged now
By comparing the mass to carbon 12
How many neutrons and electrons does Oxygen have, if it has atomic number of 8, and atomic mass of 16.
N= 8E= 8
What are isotopes?
Element which same number of protons, but change in neutrons.
Why are radioisotopes called that?
They emit radiation when they decay
What is the formula to calculate Atomic mass
AM = (am1)(abundance) + (am2)(abundance)...
How does the reactivity occur on the periodic table and why for metals and non metals
Metals= increases down a group, increases left to right since they want to lose their electrons, these elements will lose it the easiestNon-metals= Increases up a group, increases left to right, since they want to gain electrons, they attract the most electrons
Atomic radius trend
Increases down a group because there are more electrons, so more orbits, so its bigger and right to left because same number of orbits, but more electrons and protons, which means more unshielded protons, so greater attraction to nucleus
Ionization energy trend
Increases up a group because less orbits, so attraction to nucleus is better, which makes it harder take away the electron and left to right, there are more unshielded protons, so again the attraction is stronger, and harder to let go of the electron
What is electron affinity
It is the energy that is released when it gains an electron
What is electronegativity
Strenght of an attraction for electrons in covalent bond
Intermolecular forces def.
The forces between a molecule
Intramolecular forces def.
The forces within a molecule