Greek Myth Pt. 2

Covers fertility gods/goddesses (e.g. Demeter, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hermes), the Underworld, and Heracles. Also, Euripedes' Bacchae, Hippolytus, and Heracles. 

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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-Fertility goddess of the soil.
-Roman: Ceres; da or de (earth).
-Daughter Persephone (Zeus)
Demeter at Eleusis
-Zeus makes deal with Hades so he can have Persephone.
-Roams earth for 9 days and mourns
-ends up at Eleusis where maidens find her (daughters of Celeus) and gets nanny position for Demphoon son of Metanaira...reveals herself.
-Demeter tries to turn him immortal but his mother sees this as abuse because Demeter holds him over fire.
-servant that makes Demeter feel at home when she stays in Eleusis.
Agreement with Hades & Demeter
-Hermes visits Hades and strikes deal.
-Persephone allowed to visit Demeter.
-Pomegrante seed
-1/3 of year Persephone in underworl
-Holiday in honor of Demeter.
-Autumn festival
-assembly of women and period of fasting
Eleusinian Mysteries
-Hopsitality of Dmeter gave Eleusins certain rights in Eleusis (center for Demeter's worship).
-Belief in Immortality of the soul and a future life.
-Interval of 9 days: fasting, carry torches, and exchange of jests (Iambe)
Aphrodite (Venus)
-born from foam in sea (castration)
-Sacred sites: Cytherea and Cypris (also epithets)
-possibly originated from eastern goddesses of fertility Innanna, Ishtar or Astarte
-Aphrodite turns women into prostitutes
-Pygmalion turns away from women and falls in love with sculpture/statue and Aphrodite makes it come to life.
Hephaestus and Aphrodite
-In Theogony Hephaistos has other wives
-Aphrodite has affair with Ares and Hephaestus catches them (Demodocus sings of this in Odyssey)
Aphrodite and Ares
-Depicted as married according to Pinder, Aeschylus, and Francois vase.
-Have affair that gods witness
-Children: Eros (cupid), Demos (terror) and Phobos (fear), and Harmonia
-child of Aphrodite and Hermes
-Salmacis, a nymph, falls in love with him and jumps on him when bathing and they weld together--origin of Hermphrodite
-part scarecrow, part bringer of luck, part guardian against theives
-eternally erect phallus
-symbol of fertility and wards off evil eye
-father of Aeneas (ancestor of Romans), Trojan hero, lives on Mt. Ida
-Zeus has Aphrodite fall for Anchises and has son Aeneas
-told not to mention relations but does and is either stricken blind or crippled.
-son of Cinyras and Myrrha
-mother refused to honor Aphrodite and she tricked her father to have affair with her, father tries to kill her, and she turns into tree but gives birth
-Aphrodite falls for him b/c of Cupid's arrows; killed by boar