GT CEE 3000-A Quiz 1

Civil Engineering Systems Quiz 1 Flash cards

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Define Engineering
The profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgement to devellop ways to utilize economically, the materials and forces of nature for the progressive well being of society.
What distinguishes engineering from science?
Engineering has a concern related to economics.
What are the characteristics of the scientific approach? Describe each.
  • Hypothesis setting and testing
  • Replicability
  • Refutability
  • Reductionism
Define Planning.
The arrangement of specific steps for the attainment of an objective.
Definie Management.
The skillful use of means to accomplish certain ends.
Define engineering design (ABET).
The process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
Definie the system approach.
A broad-based, systematic approach for problem solving and particularly geared toward solving complex problems that involve systems.
Define System.
A set of interrelated components that perform a number of functions to achieve common goals.
Define Engineering System.
Collection of interrelated components humanly designed to fulfill some specific purpose(s).
Distinguish between simple, complex, physical, and natural systems.
What is in a system (4 things)? Describe each.
  • Stores (Stocks) (e.g. population)
  • Fluxes (Linkages)
  • Feedbacks (Positive; Negative)
  • Purpose
Systems are...
Dynamic, Resilient to a point, quantitative, solved numerically, and resources are limited.
What are functional characteristics?
Things the system is able to do.
Distinguish between open vs closed system.
Open systems allow matter, energy or information to cross system boundaries. Closed systems do not interact significantly with environment
What is a systems analysis?
The application of the scientific method modified to capture the holistic nature of the real world in order to solve complex problems.