HAP 1 - The Nervous System: Fundamentals

Week 3 Session 1

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are to two key control systems?
Nervous and Endocrine
Characteristics of the Nervous System
Fast-acting control system
reponds to internal and external changes (basis of homeostasis)
Activates muscles and glands
Question 3
Fill in the gaps
Answer 3
Draw a diagram of the organisation of the nervous system
Answer 4
Question 5
Fill in this image
Answer 5
Question 6
Fill in the image
Answer 6
Draw a nerve cell
Answer 7
What is the sympathetic function of the nervous system?
Sympathetic - Fight, Flight, Fright
Remeber as the "e" division = exercise, excitement, emergence and embarrasement
What kind of things does the sympathetic divison of the nervous system do?
Increses heart rate and force of contraction
dilation of airways in lungs
decreased digestive acitivity
contriction of blood vessels in viscera and skin / dilation of blood vessels in skeletal muscle and heart
What is the Parasympathetic Function of the nervous system?
Resting and digesting
Conserves energy
maintains daily necessary body functions
Remeber as the "D" division: disgestion, defecation and diuresis
How does the parasympathetic division effect the body?
Decreases heart rate
constriction of airways in lungs
increased digestice activity
little or no effect on blood vessels
What is a nerve cell?
Neuron = Cells specialised to transmit messages
What are the major regions of a neuron
Cell body - nucelus and metabolic center of the cell
Processes - fibers that extend from the cell body
Dendrites - conduct impulse toward the cell body
Axon - conduct impluses away from the cell body
Schwann cells - produce myelin sheaths
Nodes of Ranvier - gaps in myelin sheath along the axon
Describe the location of the axon.
Starts at the axon hillock and ends at the axonal terminals
Where an what is the axon terminal?
Axon terminal contain vesicles with neurotransmitters and is at the end of an axon. Axon terminals are seperated fro the next neuron by a gap