Health #1 Flashcards

El ed health flashcards

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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How much has life span increased since 1900?
30 years
How much of premature illnesses and death can be traced to risky health behavior?
50 %
What percentage of today’s health spending is devoted to caring for people suffering from the consequences of chronic conditions?
Is America’s health care system currently prevention focused?
No it is treatment focused
What does participation in health risk behaviors effect?
Premature illness and death- 50% is caused by risky behavior
What is the most familiar element of a coordinated school health program?
Quality comprehensive school health instruction
In which three domains of learning is health instruction grounded?
Cognitive domain, Affective domain, Psychomotor/skill domain
Define school health services
Policies and programs designed to assess health status of children.
What is the ideal ratio of nurses to students in the general school population
Who has the primary responsibility for maintaining a healthy and safe environment at the building level?
What is the estimated number of children with diagnosable mental or addictive disorders?
1 in 5
Which institution is the primary provider of mental health services to children?
Who are the professionals who most often provide mental health services for students in the school setting?
School counselors, psychologists and social workers
What role do stakeholders play in the Coordinated School Health Program?
What are the six domains of health and what components are included within each of them?
Physical health - physical characteristics, energy level, and other observable behaviors. Mental/Intellectual health - reasoning processes, expressions of curiosity, humor, and logic. Emotional health - coping skills, self-control, expressions of feelings in a socially accepted way. Social health - social skills and interactions. Spiritual health - comfort with ourselves, personal value systems. Vocational health - ability to collaborate, share responsibility while maintaining a high level of integrity.