Health Education

Final Exam Terms

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Sex Education
Programs designed to educate about sex Topics include: -Reproductive anatomy and physiology -Sexual development -Human reproduction -Family life issues -Relationships and interpersonal skills -Contraception -HIV -Sexual abuse and assult -Contraversial issues (abortion, etc.)
Abstinence Education
Teaching that abstinence is the only sure way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
Abstinence-only Education
Teaches abstinence from all sexual activity is the only appropriate option for unmarried people. Does not include information on contraception.
Abstinence-plus Education
Teaches the benefits of abstinence while also teaching about contraception and disease-prevention methods
Birth control Contraversy is over whether giving kids information about them would encourage them to have sex
Peer Education
Highly effective prevention strategy. Uses young people as credible prevention messengers to promote healthy lifestyles among other young people.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Cause of AIDs, this attacks the cells of the immune system so that the body loses its ability to fight infection and certain cancers.
Opportunistic Diseases
Life threatening diseases that are caused by pathogens that do not cause illness in healthy people. AIDs patients are more suseptible to these diseases.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
One fourth of the cases are teenagers. Transmitted through sexual activity.
Genital Herpes
Viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus that cannot be cured. Charcterized by recurrent and unpredictable outbreaks. Painful and blisterlike sores, the virus can be spread from mother to baby during delivery.
Genital Warts
Result of infection with Human Papiloloma virus (HPV). Can easily spread to sexual partner or baby through delivery. Females with this infection are at a higher risk from cervical cancer.
Bacterial infection that when treated early can be effectively treated with antibiotic drugs. If left untreated can develop into serious health concerns and csn cause birth defects in a developing fetus.
Hepatitis B
A virus that can cause a serious viral infection of the liver. Is preventable through vaccination.
A highly infectious sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium that can causes ulcers in the genitals or painful swelling in the groin area, or both.Can effectively be treated with antibiotics.
Common STD caused by protozoal organism. This organism can be spread by towels, sheets, because it can remain alive on external objects for up to 1.5 hours.