Health Exam 1-Chapter 10

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What is the definition of stress?
Stress-Nonspecific response of the human organism to any demand made upon it.
What is the definition of optimal stress?
Optimal Stress-Stress is intense enough to motivate and physically prepare us to preform well but not enough to cause harm.
What is the definition of a stressor?
Stressor-Factor causing stress.
What creates eustress?
Eustress-Postive Stress Happy or pleasant events such as holidays or getting married
What creates distress?
Distress-Negative Stress Unhappy or unplesand or harmful stress such as flunking an exam or a breakup from a relationship
What can change or shift the perceptions of your stressors?
Tests, school, teachers, money, work, relationships, weather, bills, friends, family, pets, cars, traffic, holidays, shopping, exercise,being sick, death, losting things, being lonely.
How (physiologically) does the body react to stress? What gets up-regulated and what gets down regulated?
Catecholamines and corticosteroids (stress hormones) are pumped into the body, causing the heart to beat fater; an increased rush of strength and energy is felt. Endorphins (powerful painkillers) are released so that fighting or fleeing is possible even if injured. Stored sugars and fats pour into the bloodstream to provide quick energy. The airways of the lungs dilate for deeper breathing. Blood pressure is elevated to ensure sufficient oxygen to muscles. Muscular tension increases in preparation for action. Breating rate quickens to provide greater oxygen to muscles to do battle or to run from danger. Blood clops faster for protection should injury occur-less blood lost. Digestion ceasers so blood may be shunted to the muscles and brain for quck physical and mental action. Perspiration increases, providing cooling mechanism for overheated muscles. Pupils of the eyes dilate, aiding vision. Other senses, such as hearing also become heightened. The urge to urinate and move the bowels increases to reduce danger of infection if abdominal injury should occur. Sex hormones are reduces. (Reduced libido and fertility provided fewer months to feed during times of drought or decreased food supply for early humans. Thiss still occurs even though we do not have these dilemmas.)
What are common daily hassles and/or increase the uplifts?
Daily hassles are the events or interactions in your daily life that you find bothersome, annoying or negative. Daily hassles may be more detrimental to your health than major negative life events. Daily uplifts are positive events that make us feel good and can reverse the negative effects of daily hassles. A balance between hassles and uplifts, or allowing yourself to feel more uplifts can be the key to better wellness. Pay attention to the uplifts. Allow yourself to feel happy-even about small things.
How could you decrease the hassles and/or increase the uplifts?
Hassles Misplacing or losing things Troubling thoughts about your future Not getting enough sleep Money problems Social obligations Concerns about weight and physical apparance Too many things to do (registration for classes, exams, extracurricular groups, everyday chores, chronic car problems) Concerns about meeting high standards (not living up to expectations, getting low grades) Being lonely (relationship issues) Child care problems Uplits Being visited, e-mailed, phoned, or sent a letter Visiting, phoned, or writing someone Having fun (socializing, partying, being with friends) Completing a task Recreation (sports, games, etc.) Hugging and/or kissing (relating well with spouse or lover) Getting enough sleep Being complimented Having someone to listen to you Eating out
What are harmful effects from stress?
Psychosomatic disease: Physical ailment that is mentally induced. Developed by stress: Hypertension Ulcers Addictions Asthma Backache Stroke Migraine headaches Cancer Hay fever Depression Cardiovascular disease Tension headaches Allergies Rheumatoid arthritis
What is personality Type A?
Type A Stressed, hurried, angry, hostile, organized, on time. Body produces an extra amount of stress hormones. Typically have little time for hobbies or leisue pursuits
What is personality Type B?
Procrastinate, weight gain, creative, laid back, no worries-doesn't get as much accomplished.
What is personality Type C?
The Stress Resistant Hardy Person May have a great deal of stress in their lives, but is a hardy person who can resist the ill effects of stress. Realizes that one always has a choice on how to react to situations.
Type C personalities are hardy and possess the following five traits:
Control-internal control of self Commitment-to meaningful involvement in life Challenge-is an opportunity rather than a threat Choice-lifestyle choices that enhance health and how you react to your life Connectedness-network of social support, helping and being helped by others.
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is based on what concept?
Managing our stress is important. Thoughts and behavior can affect-physical-psychlogical health and immune system.