Herbal Actions

These are the actions that herbs will take

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Support and nourish the adrenals and therby increase the resilience and resistance to stress, enabling the body to avoid reaching collapse.

i.e. Astragalus, Borage, Licorce, American ginseng, Eleuthro
Alteratives are the old fashion blood purifers and lymphatic cleaners. These herbs increase the proper function of the elimination channels through the liver, kidney, skin and lungs.

i.e. Red clover, Calendula, Cleavers, Yellow Dock, Pau d'Arco
Relieves pain. Also called anodyne

i.e. California Poppy, Valeran, Jamacian Dogwood
These plants destroy and expels worms from the digestive system.

Also known as: Vermifuge

i.e. Black Walnut, Wormwood, Rue, Quassia
Herbs used to expel mucus fromt he UPPER respiratory system.

i.e. Eyebright, Elder (flower), Golden rod, Sage, Wild Indigo Root
Help reduce the inflammation cascade and interrupt the prostaglandin process.

i.e. Bogbean, Devils Claw, St. Johns wort, Turmeric
Herbs can help the body destroy pathogenic microorganisms. This catagory includes anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

i.e. Echinacea, Garlic, Goldenseal, Osha, Wild Indigo, Lomatium.
Herbs can help the body destroy pathogenic microorganisms. This catagory includes anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

i.e. Echinacea, Garlic, Goldenseal, Osha, Wild Indigo, Lomatium.
Ease cramps and reduce the intensity of spasms. Many are nervines and alleviate muscular tension in specific areas and stress throughout the body.

i.e. Cramp bark, Black Haw, Lobelia, Wild Cherry, Meadowsweet
Destroy and prevent the development of microbes.

i.e. Uva Ursi, Calendula, St. Johns Wort
Work as a gentle laxative that does not cause purging, work to stimulate the digestive system and move the liver.

i.e. Psyllium, flax seed, barberry, burdock, oregon grape root.
Have a binding effect on mucus membranes, skin and other tissues.

i.e. Agrimony, bayberry, goldenseal, white oak bark, red raspberry leaf, witch hazel
Herbs that tast bitter act as stimulant tonics for the digestive system through a reflex via the taste buds.

i.e. Wormwood, gentian, dandelion, goldenseal, barberry, vervain.
The herbs that reduce gas and relax the stomach. These herbs are rich in volative oil, which stimulate the proper peristalsis of the digestive system.

i.e. Chamomile, peppermint, aniseed, caraway, fennel, ginger.
Cholagogues stimulate the secretion of bile from the gall bladder.

i.e. Balmony, Fringe Tree, Boldo, Wahoo