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Largest bone in the body. It has a rounded head that articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis
Intertrochanteric line is the attachment of what ?
Joint Capsule of Femur
The ______ and _______ trochanters are points of attachments for muscles
Greater and lesser
Which trochanter can be palpated laterally and has a bursae, it can be inflamed to cause hip bursitis
Greater trochanter
The femur has 2 epicondyles that attach distally into which other condyles?
The medial and lateral tibial condyles
What attaches to the tibial plateau?
Which muscle inserts onto the adductor tubercle on medial epicondyle?
Adductor Magnus
This strong fascial sleeve encloses the muscles of the thigh
Fascia Lata
The muscles of the thigh are divided into 3 compartments, which are?
Anterior, Medial, and Posterior compartments
How many heads does the quadratus femoris have?
4 heads
Longest strap muscle and it is called the "Tailor's Muscle"
These 2 muscles flex the thigh at the hip joint, and extend the leg at the knee joint
Sartorius, and Rectus Femoris
Which muscle group insert onto the tibial tuberosity and are innervated by the femoral nerve?
Which 4 muscles make up the quadrices femoris group?
Rectus femoris Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Vastus Lateralis
O: anterior superior iliac spine I: upper medial shaft of tibia A: assists in flexion, abduction, lateral rotation of femur, and assists in flexion of knee, medial rotation of tibia when knee is flexed N: Femoral
Answer 15