HIST 122: Overview (WWI and Decolonization; \"Peaceful\" Decolonization: India and Pakistan--1947; Violent Decolonization:

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Overview: WWII: World War II (1937/39-1945)
-Origins (1937-9) [Asia: Japan (Meiji; Co-prosperity sphere); Europe: Germany (Versailles, Hitler, Lebensraum, Aryan); Axis vs. Allies]-Early war: Axis victories (Asia: China, Indochina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines...; Europe: Blitzkrieg, Poland, France, Russia...)-Turnaround (1942-43) [Asia (Midway, Guadalcanal); Europe (Stalingrad, D-Day)]-Defeat of the Axis Powers (1945)
Who was the reason for the start of WWII? Why?
Germany. Due to the "Treaty of Versailles", the Germans thought it was way to harsh on them, so they wanted revenge.
Answer 3
-'Lebensraum' (means living/breathing space)-thought of the world in racial terms (racial struggle)-wanted enough space for German race--wiped out whoever was in the way-a German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945) -shot himself (ended WWII).
Answer 4
A policy of the Nazis during WWII to conquer territory in Europe for German use (means living/breathing space).
Answer 5
A member of the ancient Aryan people.
__ and __ just recovered from WWI.
Answer 6
France; Germany
Appeasement Treaty**
Answer 7
A political policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation
1939: What did France and Britain do?
Answer 8
Declared war on Germany (WWII)
1942: What was Japan like?
Answer 9
Unstoppable; their borders ran all the way through the Pacific
Answer 10
The day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy
Answer 11
-"lightning war" where they used tanks and closed air support that was controlled by radio (used to pierce through enemy)-an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.
What did the German do to themselves? What happened by 1945?
Answer 12
-provoked too many enemies-The German army was pushed back all the way to Berlin (capital of Germany).
Overview: WWII: [Impact: World War II]
-Recap: 19th c. motives for colonialism-Decline of racism (Asia: Japan's successes; Europe: Holocaust)-French and British military decline (Recap: "suicide of Europe" in WWI; UK: German bombing; France: German Invasion and Charles de Gaulle's Brazzaville speech)-Economic cost of WWII ([Cartier: "Correze or Zambeze"]-Rise of US, USSR (USSR: Communism [Lenin's Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism]; US: self-determination [Wilson's 14 Points: FDR's Atlantic Charter]).
What did the Germans try to do? What did it result in?
Answer 14
-tried to take over the Jews-Holocaust: the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime (1941–1945); more than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered at concentration camps (such as Auschwitz).
What happened to France and Britain following WWI and WWII?
Answer 15
They suffered. It was difficult for them to will the power they lost; will to fight/heart.