HIST 122: (TEST 3) Imperial Exampansion (British India, French Algeria, The Belgian Congo, The US in the Caribbean)

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Where? A new area of focus in the 19th c.
-Independence in the New World (United States--George Washington; Haiti--Toussaint Louventure; Latin America--Simon Bolivar; Monroe Doctrine 1823)-New Loci of colonization (Asia; Africa; Pacific)
Question 2
1000 Bolivares is equivalent to what amount in America?
1 penny
Question 3
Simon Bolivar
Viewed as a national icon in much of modern South America, and is considered one of the great heroes of the Hispanic independence movements of the early 19th century [Country of Bolivia]-from Venezuela-also colloquially as El Libertadore-was a Venezuelan military and political leader who played a leading role in the establishment of Venezuela, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama as sovereign states, independent of Spanish Rule.
Question 4
James Monroe
An American statesman and Founding Father who served as the fifth President of the United States from 1817 to 1825.
Monroe Doctrine
Answer 5
Recolonize countries that are America; keep European influence away [IN OTHER WORDS: a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823].
Why? Motives for expansion
-Profit (Industrial Revolution; Raw Materials, Markets; Lenin's "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism")-Ideology (Christian Missions; Anti-slavery Campaigns; "White man's burden"--Kipling; "Scientific" racism)-Glory (National glory--painting the map; Strategic assets--Suez Canal; Individual glory--Cecil Rhodes)
Question 7
Cecil Rhodes
Answer 7
-[British businessman, mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896]-go to South Africa (3 different countries)-driven by profits-created biggest diamond/gold mines all over the world (profit became rich) -created railroad that connect south of Africa all the way to Asia-did everything bad?
What was important in the "Motives for Expansion"?
Strategic assets
What kind of glories were there?
Either glory of individual or glory of country.
"Imperial Creep"**
"Scientific" racism**
Take ideas of genetic material passed on
What did the following countries 'industrialize"? Britain (Egypt and India), Belgium, Vietnam.
-Britain (Egypt and India): cotton (but it didn't grow in the cooler climate of Britain).-Belgium: rubber-Vietnam: rubber and tin
What led to colonies?
The chase for costumers elsewhere
Answer 14
-dictator of Russia- capitalism's punishment?-"Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism"-a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist -served as head of government of Soviet Russia and of the Soviet Union.
Answer 15
A comprehensive set of normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious ideas, that an individual, group or society has